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Driving Project Motor Racing with the GIANTS Engine

September 06, 2024

Tim Wheatley on why a partnership with GIANTS Software is like getting a full factory engine in motor racing... in this case, the GIANTS Engine that is now powering Project Motor Racing...

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Driving Project Motor Racing with the GIANTS Engine September 06, 2024 Tim Wheatley on why a partnership with GIANTS Software is like getting a full factory engine in motor racing... in this case, the GIANTS Engine that is now powering Project Motor Racing... Why GIANTS Software Coming To Sim Racing Is A BIG Deal September 06, 2024 Josie Koonen on a giant franchise born out of coincidence, seized opportunities, and pure creativity... and what this all means for the sim racing world... GIANTS Engine to Power Project Motor Racing August 20, 2024 Fresh from revealing GIANTS Software as publisher for the new sim racing game Project Motor Racing comes the announcement that Straight4 Studios and GIANTS have now entered a long-term technical partnership. LIME ROCK PARK Comes to Project Motor Racing August 12, 2024 Sportscar racing’s femme fatale? S4 Worked On “Lap of Legends” That Won Awards at Cannes August 04, 2024 What you saw on “Lap of Legends” remained unchanged from the very first day the concept was presented to us, and it’s a testament to the experience and professionalism of The Mill, the documentary filmmakers, that they approached us with such a fully polished idea. Ben Collins, Driving Consultant on Project Motor Racing July 25, 2024 Ben’s bestselling memoir, “The Man in the White Suit: The Stig, Le Mans, The Fast Lane and Me”, sums a career that has seen the former Stig drive the wheels off anything with wheels, from F1 to London Routemasters to (yes) Star Wars … and anything in-between. Ben, now Driving Consultant at Straight4 Studios, working on Project Motor Racing, looks at what’s coming next—for him, the studio, and the new sim.


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